Sunday, February 15, 2015

#2 Anique Extinguisher

Suggested changes made to this project were to add shadows to the threads where the hose is attached, make adjustments to the letters on the brass label (lower the "L" shrink the "P"), reduce the angle of the surface that the extinguisher sits on. and remove the dark brown along the right edge of the floor. I  made those changes also making adjustments to the shadow and a few other letters.


  1. Greg, are you happy with the changes? Do you think they helped? This extinguisher is so amazing! It is very hard to make a shiny subject look shiny. I think you nailed it!

    I have two comments:
    1) I don't remember the wall behind the extinguisher having so much of a shadow. For me, I think it would be more effective with a lower percentage of color in the shadow.
    2) There is still something about the table angle that throws me off a bit. I'm not 100% sure of what needs to change. It's like the back corner, behind the extinguisher on the right side needs to come down a bit. However, when I view it small, it works okay. It's when it is in an enlarged state, that it doesn't work as well for me. I'm not sure why. Maybe it is the angle of the shadow in the foreground that is throwing off the visual perspective for me. What does anyone else think? Am I off base or on to something?

    1. I agree, Sue, about the angle of the table and the "blackness" of the shadow.

  2. Reflection on metal is difficult, and this is well done. I can see why this is one of your top three portfolio pieces. A few concerns: 1) the metal piece that attaches the hose to the left side of the canister doesn't look as if it belongs; something "not quite right" there; 2) the front of the "ring" (circular handle) at the top of the canister is nicely formed, but the back section seems "irregular"; needs some refining; 3) the reflection down the middle of the label seems to fall unevenly; all of the wording, "To Play Turn Bottom Up," is indistinct, and yet the "ER" in UNIVERSAL and the word "Acid" are clear; 4) the circular base of the fire extinguisher appears distorted to me, but it may have been the angle in the photo from which you created your illustration, or maybe the base is dented; 5) somehow, to me, the fire extinguisher seems "floating" over the table rather than resting on it. Now, this is just me, after midnight, after a frustrating day of raking my roof and trying to stop leaks in my living room ceiling.

  3. Greg, you did a fantastic job with this aged fire extinguisher!

    I remember I thought it was odd and not realistic looking for the shadow to be a solid black shadow against the table and I also remember you showed me the original picture to prove it did in fact have a solid flat black shadow which surprised me that is wasn't transparent at all. You make that exactly as it showed.

    However, I do agree with Sue that the shadow against the wall doesn't look quite right. If anything I think I would try doing a gradient with the shadow on the wall from left to right at a slight angle going down instead of the radial shadow. Just a thought.

    Overall a beautiful job making the metal look so realistic!

  4. Hey Greg,

    I was just working on my Motion Graphics Homework for Jon Krasner's class and found this tutorial that I thought might be interesting to you at the very least to see how they created a antique fire extinguisher much like you own.

    I figured if you were having any trouble with certain areas of yours maybe this could help you. It seems they take an illustrator rendering and really tweak it in another program to get just the right lighting and shadow play. It's amazing how much it looks just like yours!!

  5. As we spoke in class! No need to reiterate our conversation.

  6. Wow, cool link, Desi—it makes it look so easy, even though I know it's not!
