Monday, February 23, 2015

Project 2—8.5x11 PSA

This PSA (Public Service Announcement) is designed to run as a magazine ad. Its audience is primarily educators and parents of kids with slow processing speed.

Suggested changes included the following:
1) The "IMAGINE" text grabs the readers attention, but will readers stop and read the "if your thoughts..." text? It is harder to read.
     a) Make background whiter or text white
     b) Loosen text so it is not so tight
2) Move "SLOW IS NOT A CHOICE" to the lower right to play with asymmetry.

I tried a couple different options and am curious to hear input on them.
LEFT—The percentage of the white background was almost doubled to make it more opaque, but nothing else was changed. I liked keeping the text tight and black to group all of the black text, including IMAGINE, as one thought. Also, with the white background, it commands less attention.
RIGHT—I spread out the leading of the text, changed the background to black with a small amount of gold glow below IMAGINE to add some dimensionality to it, and moved the SLOW IS NOT A CHOICE logo to the lower right. I didn't think I would like the logo in the lower right but I actually think it is better, creating asymmetry as well as allowing the background art to be more emphasized.

NOTE: My #3 project is an update of a website and will have much more time to complete.


  1. I feel that the ad on the right is more readable.

  2. Sue - I agree, the ad on right is most readable, but the page balance on left (true symmetry) makes most sense to me.

    To return to the layout on right, I notice that you have added an effect to the black background that repeats the effect on the IMAGINE letters (light reflection at top). It adds a 3/d effect to the background that I'm not sure you need - a contrast with the letters might be better than unity with them in this respect. Try removing it, and you might also see that the type becomes even a tad more readable.

    Sorry to jump around like this, but I want to add that the lines of type in that sit below IMAGINE, and set solid on the left hand version, is pretty interesting. I think the readability issue was caused by the type touching the edges of the white background - not when they touched each other. So, leaving the black bar the same height but reducing the text leading again, might result in the best design. Nice piece!

  3. I honestly like the one on the right better.
    #1 It is much easier to read than the left one.
    #2 I actually like the Slow is not a Choice in the bottom right corner better because it's in the perfect Sign-Off location.
    #3 I love the golden glow against under the word IMAGINE against the black bar.
    However, If you have a glow that appears behind and underneath the word IMAGINE (that makes in stand out nicely) then you need to remove the light reflection coming from the top what appears to be an inner bevel used on IMAGINE. It confuses the viewer with having two different light sources. My suggestion is to remove the top inner bevel light source.
