Wednesday, April 8, 2015

#8 Oats and More Cereal Box

I changed the colors to fit together better and give a more sophisticated feeling along with the text. Along with adding more content to the cereal box cover such as nutrition information and texture at the bottom.


  1. I like your new color palette a lot. The sophisticated horse in the chair seems to be floating; at least that's how he looks to me at 3:30 a.m. I'm wondering if you might consider re-positioning the two slices of almonds that peek out behind the round Hannaford logo. The images together, as they are now, remind me of a bunny rabbit (the round head with the two slanted bunny ears). Also, these two almond slices look larger than the others, which maybe is what you want, but have you considered making them the same size as the other almond slices or decreasing the size proportionally so that the almonds get smaller as they reach their compatriots at the bottom of the box?

  2. Chris - because this is a bit "tongue in cheek" I encourage you push the design even further. The horse/person composite seems to suggest a visual parody, and the basis of your humorous concept.

    By pushing, I mean shift some elements and reduce/enlarge them. For instance: Would you enlarge the horse in the chair, so he fits more closely with the heading text and his body bleeds off the bottom of the page (so he doesn't "float", as Virginia pointed out in her comment).

    How about enlarging the standing horse so he more fully fills the right side of the composition. I enjoy that he seems to be standing "in" a pile of oat flakes... that's nice.

    Composition: I question the placement of the small boxes at the top of the cover with nutrition information. This is something that usually sits on the side or back of the box isn't it? What does this add to this cover design? However, if you feel that it is important to include it on the cover, please move them to the bottom of the composition away from the top left... a place of great importance in a design.

    The Hannaford's logo does appear to be connected to strange bunny ears.. they don't look like horses ears. Maybe you should actually use horses ears!

    Logo placement: I wonder if this logo could be moved inside the large brown box (which has a large amount of space that holds nothing) and closer to the heading to pull those 2 elements together to make 1 stronger element.

    My suggestions above are all headed towards a common purpose - clearing the background behind the box and figures of small elements so you can add a new background photo. The white of the background just seems empty - could you use a photo of a pasture, or fields and mountains... or something that supports the "horse" composite and helps us understand the concept you are trying to convey? What environment do these figures live in? What do you want the people eating this cereal to imagine? A person in a smoking jacket tends to pose in front of a stacks of books in an upscale house's library. A horse runs around outside in the country.

    Where do these figures, that you have created, live? It's worth thinking about.

  3. I like the ideas of the horse in the chair being enlarged and the "bunny ears" being moved. Actually, it might help to just move the top "bunny ear" to a different place to change the look.

    If you Google "Nutrition Keys," you will find many different ways to handle the nutrition info. The images at the top are the most common, but there are a variety of ways to handle them.
