Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Project #6 / Strahan / Civilian Conservation Corps

Hokey Smokes, Bullwinkle ... I forgot to post this website! I created this for the 50th anniversary of the Civilian Conservation Corps, one of FDR's projects to put men back to work during the Depression (1930s) and to reclaim the forests and protect the environment. My Dad was part of a CCC camp in New Hampshire, working on Mount Kearsage. My Dad never would talk about the dark days of the Depression, only to say that he and his mother had one meal a day: applesauce on a slice of bread. (P.S. I used this axe before Greg.)

1 comment:

  1. I've never had a class with so many axes!

    Nice site, a few thoughts:

    1. Line lengths seem too long for easy readability. That's what happens when the body copy type runs across the whole page. Too long. I seems like this design could use a 2-column grid.

    2. Under "Meals" the picture sits small at right - but maybe it should sit larger and further down on the page just to the right of the list.

    That's it!
