Tuesday, April 7, 2015

SL Project / Historical Society Brochure / Virginia

Here is the latest draft of the brochure I'm creating for my Service Learning Client, the Narragansett Historical Society. What do you think?


  1. Virginia - this looks good! A few questions:

    1. Do the ocher-colored text frames seem a bit too dark to you? Consider that "antique" colors tend to be faded and light. And, I wonder if the page balance wouldn't improve if they became "less heavy"?

    2. The membership costs seem to still be lost in the first inside section. Indent further?

    3. Cover still needs light blue sky... I have to keep saying this, it's my duty (grin).

  2. Nice work, Virginia. It does a nice job of covering the range of uses for the building and grounds. I noticed a few small things:

    1) On the paragraph above "Volunteers", there is some extraneous Greeked text. Is that on purpose because some text is still coming? Or does it need to be deleted?

    2) Have you considered centering the four membership costs lines? Or tabbing the prices over so the costs line up? Either option might open up that section and be different enough to help it stand out more.

    3) The drop caps feel slightly crowded on the right. Can you added a tiny bit of space there without changing the way everything wraps?

    Nice job! : )

    FYI—I would suggest rereading for typos. I see a double period at the end of the first panel on the inside; a missing period at the end of the first sentence on the inside middle panel; and a typo and missing word in the inside right panel ("witih Paul Revere" and "one of [the] finest in Central Mass...").
