Saturday, April 11, 2015

Book Jacket Design

I fixed the "About the Authors" bit so it fits better in the space next to the picture. Also I enlarged the word "type" on the cover and moved the "5th edition" up to join the title. So now the lower left-hand corner may look too empty but I do believe it is better than before. Still probably need to adjust tracking.

1 comment:

  1. Sam - you have identified the remaining issue... still lower left.

    Since my suggestion to you to pull the "5th edition" up isn't working all that well, consider putting it back down to that area, enlarging it again... but use another color for it... one that is in much less in contrast to the blue background... which means we'll see it, but possibly last. We don't need this information right away... and if it was, say, slightly darker blue than the background it could be quite large and not unbalance the page (which is what I remember being the problem originally).
    This might, or might not create the final best cover idea. Sometimes, when I just can't find the right solution by moving 1 element around, I finally realize that I'll need to move some other elements to "shake things up" a bit and allow new solutions to happen. Thank goodness that's what computer allow us to do fairly easily and quickly.

    Keep experimenting with size and placement of the supporting elements on the page. Your primary element, and the focal point, are the hands and the elements that are directly related to what they are doing. The other elements (authors, subtitles, and edition) are there to support the main element, and as such should be positioned in a way as to "have a relationship" with the main one. Does this make sense? If they have no proximity, shared alignment, or anything to do with the focal point... their placement will simply seem random.

    Hope this is making some sense. I'm encouraging you to do more experimenting until you have this solved.

    Oh - please fix the typo "guid" and add an e. Also - I wonder if you should use initial capitals in the other text on the page. I understand your concept to use all lower case for the title... but maybe if you used proper styling for the rest, it would appear even more clever that you don't in the title.... and, I notice that you do capitalize the authors names.
