Saturday, April 25, 2015

Magazine rework

Just realized I hadn't posted my magazine rework. what do you guys think?

1 comment:

  1. Greg, some final thoughts - almost there!

    Cover: you have a slanted element at bottom of page holding just one article tagline and page #. I think you should populate all those spaces with text. Pull the text in lower right corner into one of the spaces, and add another one from your T of C. Does the type sit well inside those spaces? It seems to be a bit small - either enlarge pt size of text, or reduce the size of the spaces (and possibly overall element).

    That bright dominant area of the design must be put to good use. It IS important that it contribute to the content because of it's very very very bright boldness.

    Notice I said very very very... are you sure the colors in this element should be pure orange and yellow? It is a container for the text, really... so maybe it shouldn't challenge the title to be focal point. It can still be in your color palette, and not quite so dominant.

    T of C - done

    Editorial article contains 1 photo that appears to lack contrast compared to the other 2. It's on the lower edge of second page. Increase contrast (and maybe saturation) a bit so it fits with the other photos.

