Tuesday, March 24, 2015


#4 Drug Abuse PSA

In this design I changed the textured typography in the lower right side and made it one color. I also changed the subtitle to fit under one word instead of being broken up by the two. I moved the fire further up and away from the logo.


  1. Chris - so, how important is the line "Who are your hurting?" I would think you'd want people to read it before, or right after reading, "Who are you really burning?"

    If you agree, than you'll need to emphasis, and make more of a contrast around, this line because it is getting quite lost in the darkness. I would encourage you to consider using a stronger font, maybe the same as the main heading (sans serif). And experiment with the pt size - don't be afraid to enlarge and break the text into 2 lines, placed closely at the end of the burning joint.

    After reconsideration of that element, I would say this is done.

  2. This comment comes a little late, but I am intrigued by the "red" used in the head and sub-heads, especially since I had such a hard time finding the right color for the head in my PSA stop-smoking poster. No shade of red was readable against my black background. Nice red here.

  3. I agree with Coni that "Who are you hurting?" could be bolder and larger—perhaps on same angle as the match and headline? Perhaps not. I'd play with that more. I would also kern slightly between A and b in Abuse. Nice job overall.
