Monday, March 9, 2015

First Three Projects Reworked

For the spread I ditched the blue. Let me know what you think of the new colors!

For the Miep Geis Poster, I tried Desiree's suggested font and layout for it. Also, I got rid of the mug in the lower left and replaced it with her other hand.

For the Ripstik I made a few minor edits like repositioning text. Also I added a gradient to the wheels so they wouldn't get lost in the shadow. As for that obnoxious yellow line, I toned down the brightness of it so hopefully it won't look so overpowering in print.


  1. Hi Sam,

    I'm torn on the "Stylized Portraits" page spread. I see you are pulling the mint blue/green from the front cover and the sleeve (from the painting on the right page). And the warmer colors are pulled from the painting on the right as well. For me, the cool and warm colors seem to be fighting against each other on your left page. Part of me likes the color combination and part of me is unsettled by it. I'll have to come back to this later to see how I feel about the colors after being away from it for a bit.

    On the Miep Gies illustration, I like the change to having her hands in the left corner. My only question is about the font choice and angles for "She" and "the".
    I think you could remove "She" and the poster would still read well. From a distance, the reader would read it as "Miep Gies...Defended the Defenseless". If "She" is removed, then I think having the "the" on an angle works. If you decide to keep the "She" in there, then I might straighten the "the".

    On your Razor illustration, I think you nailed it with the chalk text! It looks much more like chalk on pavement now. Nice changes throughout this one!

  2. Sam - I second the feedback from above. I wonder why you've chosen light blue for the color of the the shape behind the title? I'm not suggesting that cool and warm colors can't be mixed together... but for the sake of "less is more", I wonder if you might try a light yellow, or even light pastel purple. Pull a few other light colors from the portrait and blur your eyes when you look at the page... see which color seems to "pull the 2 pages together" even more than currently happens.

    I don't think you need the word "she"... and because of its awkward position in relation to the rest of the words (does seems a bit random because there is no alignment with other elements on the page) I say drop it. You absolutely don't need it.

    Razor is done.

