Sunday, March 1, 2015

Project 3—Minor Rework

After some thought, I went back to having the "slow is not a choice" centered. I think it gives a clearer progression of the order I want readers to read the text. I want the links to be read last and for "slow is not a choice" to stand more on its own and to be an answer to the text above it.

I think I will be going with the LEFT version with no glow in the black bar. It gives a crisper look at various sizes. While I like the glow, it was really just a matter of layering rather than an added effect. I think it works fine overall without it.


  1. Looking at this again, I agree.

  2. Although leading between the lines underneath "Imagine" increase the readability of the text, I agree that having the text touch strengthens the PSA by slowing the reader down.
